Charles Duhigg

  • New York Times Bestselling Author, 'The Power of Habit', 'Smarter Faster Better', and 'Supercommunicators'
  • Pulitzer Prize-Winning Columnist for The New York Times Magazine
  • Host, the "How To!" Podcast
  • Recipient of the Business News Visionary Award

Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit has spent three years on the New York Times Bestseller list. His new book, Supercommunicators: The Power of Conversation and Hidden Language of Connection, delivers a simple but powerful lesson: With the right tools, we can connect with anyone. Duhigg’s work explores why – and how – people and companies develop habits (and how to change them), and how we can communicate during some the most important, and most difficult, conversations in life.

In his two books, as well as Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business (2016) Duhigg explains that managing how you think—rather than what you think—can transform your life. Duhigg's journalistic accomplishments, including a Pulitzer Prize, have made him an in-demand speaker for organizations from the UCLA School of Management to Google and Microsoft to Fortune 500 companies and the National Association of Science Teachers. His presentations are filled with stories, case studies and actionable advice about how to communicate with anyone – and become the best versions of ourselves. He current writes for The New York Times Magazine and The New Yorker, and previously hosted the How To! podcast for Slate Magazine. He has received the Scripps Howard National Journalism Award, numerous other honors, and was a 2020-2021 Business News Visionary Award recipient


Charles Duhigg headshot
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Charles Duhigg photo 2
Past Hosts Include:
  • BenefitsPRO Broker Expo
  • Etsy
  • Bayer
  • Google
  • Fairmont Hotels & Resort
  • Bloomberg
  • Newsday
  • Microsoft
  • Etsy
Rave Reviews About Charles Duhigg
Charles Duhigg is a phenomenal speaker and was able to captivate the Bloomberg audience. His passion for the topic really translates into the audience and everyone picked up on his enthusiasm. I really like the way the Prezi complemented his speaking style. I was a little worried that there might be too much Prezi and not enough Charles but I was wrong—it was the perfect balance.

Charles Duhigg: Teams, psychological safety, and Saturday Night Live | The New York Times - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Charles Duhigg
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Author Talk: Supercommunicators - The Power of Conversation and Hidden Language of Connection

Why do some conversations succeed — while others fail? How does communication work within our brains, our families, our workplaces, and our communities? CHARLES DUHIGG’s new book and speech Supercommunicators: The Power of Conversation and Hidden Language of Connection is about what happens inside o ...

Why do some conversations succeed — while others fail? How does communication work within our brains, our families, our workplaces, and our communities?

CHARLES DUHIGG’s new book and speech Supercommunicators: The Power of Conversation and Hidden Language of Connection is about what happens inside our minds when we open our mouths and ears. SUPERCOMMUNICATORS know the importance of recognizing – and then matching – each kind of conversation, and how to hear the complex emotions, subtle negotiations, and deeply held beliefs that color so much of what we say and how we listen.

How do SUPERCOMMUNICATORS do what they do, and what can we learn from them about bridging divides? In this talk, audiences will learn why some people are able to make themselves heard, and to hear others, so clearly. With his spellbinding storytelling that takes us from the writers’ room of The Big Bang Theory to the couches of leading marriage counselors to CIA officers trying to recruit spies, Duhigg shows how to recognize conversations and the tips and skills we need to navigate them more successfully. In the end, Duhigg delivers a simple but powerful lesson: With the right tools, we can connect with anyone.

The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business

Productivity is often measured by the speed at which we tackle our to-do lists. Real productivity, however, comes from thinking differently, and more deeply: Managing how we identify goals, construct teams, direct our focus and spark innovation on demand. In this lecture, CHARLES DUHIGG looks at wha ...

Productivity is often measured by the speed at which we tackle our to-do lists. Real productivity, however, comes from thinking differently, and more deeply: Managing how we identify goals, construct teams, direct our focus and spark innovation on demand. In this lecture, CHARLES DUHIGG looks at what separates the merely busy from the genuinely productive. The key is mental habits - what psychologists call ‘contemplative routines’ - that allow us to think more deeply, particularly when thinking is hardest. With case studies from Broadway, the story of a critically injured airplane and how Google sought to build the perfect team, Duhigg explains how people and companies become smarter, faster and better.

Agile Management & Commitment Cultures

Drawing on in-depth research, CHARLES DUHIGG looks at two fundamental approaches to managing others: Decentralizing decision-making and creating commitment cultures based on trust. By looking at how the FBI used the Toyota Production System to solve a kidnapping case, Duhigg describes what happens w ...

Drawing on in-depth research, CHARLES DUHIGG looks at two fundamental approaches to managing others: Decentralizing decision-making and creating commitment cultures based on trust. By looking at how the FBI used the Toyota Production System to solve a kidnapping case, Duhigg describes what happens when decision-making is transferred to those closest to the problem, with results sure to astound companies from any industry.

Idea Brokers and Creative Desperation—Boosting the Creative Process

Accelerating innovation is a key goal for almost any company. But innovating on a deadline can be torturous—unless you understand how creativity works. In this fascinating lecture, CHARLES DUHIGG looks at the making of Disney’s Frozen, a film on the brink of collapse until one small shift helped spu ...

Accelerating innovation is a key goal for almost any company. But innovating on a deadline can be torturous—unless you understand how creativity works. In this fascinating lecture, CHARLES DUHIGG looks at the making of Disney’s Frozen, a film on the brink of collapse until one small shift helped spur a creative breakthrough that led to one of the highest grossing movies in history. With multiple case studies, Duhigg explains that improving the creative process relies on intellectual middlemen—or ‘idea brokers’—who help us establish the right creative tensions, see old ideas in new ways, and ensure that the thrill of breakthrough doesn’t blind us to better alternatives.

The Power of Habit

In this keynote lecture, CHARLES DUHIGG begins by exploring the science of habit formation, illustrating why we do what we do and how we can change it. Duhigg explains why the most powerful habits have emotional cores, and how tweaking even one habit can have staggering effects. Duhigg draws from a ...

In this keynote lecture, CHARLES DUHIGG begins by exploring the science of habit formation, illustrating why we do what we do and how we can change it. Duhigg explains why the most powerful habits have emotional cores, and how tweaking even one habit can have staggering effects. Duhigg draws from a number of current case studies—including the success of Febreze, how Starbucks trains employees in willpower habits, how organizational habits contributed to a tragic subway fire, and others—customizing them to his specific audience.

Big Data

CHARLES DUHIGG discovered that Target, using Big Data, built a predictive model so precise it could tell when shoppers were pregnant—sometimes, even before their parents knew. Increasingly, algorithms and data drive business decisions. At the heart of these models is a basic question: why do custome ...

CHARLES DUHIGG discovered that Target, using Big Data, built a predictive model so precise it could tell when shoppers were pregnant—sometimes, even before their parents knew. Increasingly, algorithms and data drive business decisions. At the heart of these models is a basic question: why do customers habitually return to certain products and services? And how can companies influence those choices? Drawing on stories from multiple industries, Duhigg delivers riveting insights into how companies predict and control habits and ultimately know what customers want before they themselves do.

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Speaker News

Charles Duhigg’s new book and speech ‘Supercommunicators’ will transform how you communicate during life’s most important conversations

Why do some conversations succeed — while others fail? How does communication work within our brains, our families, our workplaces, and our communities?

CHARLES DUHIGG’s new book and speech Supercommunicators: The Power of Conversation and Hidden Language of Connection will transform how you and your audience communicate during life’s most important conversations. Like his previous business bestsellers The Power of Habit and Smarter Faster Better, Duhigg’s SUPERCOMMUNICATORS is going to top the bestseller lists, transform our productivity, and reshape the way we do business.

How do SUPERCOMMUNICATORS do what they do, and what can we learn from them about bridging divides? In Duhigg’s book and his latest talk, audiences will learn why some people are able to make themselves heard, and to hear others, so clearly. With his spellbinding storytelling that takes us from the writers’ room of The Big Bang Theory to the couches of leading marriage counselors to CIA officers trying to recruit spies, Duhigg shows how to recognize conversations and the tips and skills we need to navigate them more successfully. In the end, Duhigg delivers a simple but powerful lesson: With the right tools, we can connect with anyone.

Read Duhigg’s incisive essay in the 2/18/24 issue of the Wall Street Journal on HOW TO BE A SUPERCOMMUNICATOR.

Watch Charles Duhigg on the Jay Shetty Podcast >>

Watch Charles Duhigg at Supreme Lending Southeast >>

Charles Duhigg Honored With a 2020-21 Business News Visionary Award

Two-time New York Times Bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize-Winning Columnist for The New York Times Magazine, journalist CHARLES DUHIGG was awarded the 2020-2021 Business News Visionary Award for career-long excellence and influence on the field of journalism. His profile and career history are shared on, which tracks how he channeled his innate curiosity and intrepid reporting into his bestsellers Power of Habit and Smarter, Faster, Better, and his wildly popular podcast Howto! With Charles Duhigg.

Duhigg's journalistic accomplishments have made him an in-demand speaker for organizations from the UCLA School of Management to Fortune 500 companies and The Johnson Foundation to the National Association of Science Teachers. His presentations are both descriptive and prescriptive for ways to increase productivity and to live happier lives, and speak to a wide range of groups from the fields of business, science, medicine, and education.

"Charles Duhigg combines skillful reporting and voluminous research with a deft storytelling style to 'show,' not merely 'tell,' readers and listeners how to improve their lives and gain a better understanding of the world around them," said Dean Rotbart, chair and editor-in-chief of the Business News Visionary Awards.

Charles Duhigg provides insights on leadership, organizational development, and productivity

New York Times bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist CHARLES DUHIGG reveals the science of habit formation and peak performance, delivering eye-opening, entertaining and actionable takeaways that offer profound lessons on leadership, organizational development, productivity, and teamwork for every business.  

Case studies included in his bestselling books, The Power of Habit and Smarter, Faster, Better include a fascinating look at some of the world’s most successful companies and organizations—including Procter & Gamble, Starbucks, Walmart, and the NFL—to reveal how they used keystone habits to transform their corporate culture, marketing strategies, and internal systems in order to send profits and productivity through the roof. Duhigg’s work has inspired countless articles in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, an Inc. article on “3 HR Habits to Change,” and more, and his flowchart for how to change a habit has been used by companies to transform the way they do business.

Duhigg’s rave reviews from audiences include: “Charles Duhigg is a phenomenal speaker and was able to captivate the Bloomberg audience. His passion for the topic really translates into the audience and everyone picked up on his enthusiasm…” (Bloomberg); "We were so grateful you were able to attend our conference and provide such incredible insight into the power of habits by sharing your story and research findings. Everyone was very pleased with the presentation and we have got a lot of great feedback already so thank you!" (Fairmont Hotels & Resort)

Watch some of CHARLES DUHIGG's talks here >>

Charles Duhigg offers powerful lessons for the healthcare industry

New York Times bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist CHARLES DUHIGG reveals the science of habit formation and transformation, delivering eye-opening, entertaining and actionable takeaways that offer profound lessons for the healthcare industry.

Case studies included in his bestselling books, The Power of Habit and Smarter, Faster, Better include a fascinating look at the nation’s largest hospitals to see how implementing so-called keystone habits can earn billions and mean the difference between failure and success, life and death. His work has also inspired articles in the John Hopkins Health Review, The American Psychological Association, Psychology Today, The Scientific American, and more, and his flowchart for how to change a habit has been used by hospitals to improve infection rate.  

Duhigg’s rave reviews from audiences in the health sector include: "Charles was very easy to work with, and his presentation was highly insightful and entertaining, and an excellent lead-off to our discussion of disruptive influences impacting our industry and markets in the future… pretty impressive." (ALDA - Analytical, Life Science & Diagnostics Association)

Books by Charles Duhigg
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Charles Duhigg is the bestselling author of The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, which explores the science of habit formation in our lives, companies and societies. His newest book, Supercommunicators: The Power of Conversation and Hidden Language of Connection, delivers a simple but powerful lesson: With the right tools, we can connect with anyone. His book Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business is a fascinating exploration of the science of productivity, and why, in today’s world, managing how you think—rather than what you think—can transform your life.

Duhigg's presentations are both descriptive and prescriptive, and speak to a wide range of groups from the fields of science, medicine, business and education.

Duhigg is a Pulitzer prize-winning investigative reporter for The New York Times Magazine. A former writer for The New York Times business section as well, he has authored or contributed to multiple series, including “The Reckoning” (2008), which studied the causes and outcomes of the financial crisis, and “The iEconomy”, which examined the global economy through the lens of Apple, and which won the 2013 Pulitzer prize in explanatory journalism. He has also won the George Polk Award (2007), the Gerald Loeb Award (2008), the National Journalism Award (2009), was a Business News Visionary Award recipient (2020-2021), and other honors. Currently, Duhigg writes for The New Yorker and hosts the "How To!" podcast for Slate Magazine

In addition to his reporting, Charles Duhigg is a regular contributor to television and radio, including the Newshour with Jim LehrerFrontlineDr. Oz and various programs on CNBC and NPR. Before becoming a journalist, Duhigg worked in private equity and founded a health care company in his home state of New Mexico (and, for one terrifying day in 1999, was a bike messenger in San Francisco.) He is a graduate of the Harvard Business School and Yale College.