-{{ovation.company}}The Sky is Not Falling: God, Love, and Money in Times of Crisis
Words That Hurt, Words That Heal: How to use Words Wisely and Well
The Ten Commandments of Character: How to Live the Life You Know You're Supposed To Live
The 50 best Jewish Jokes and What They Show About the Human Condition
On Being a Good Person in a Complicated World: Forgiveness, Self-Esteem, and Why it's so Hard to Make Changes in our Personal Lives
Why the Jews: The Reason for the World's Greatest Hatred
The Twenty-First Century: A Moral Vision, One Day at a Time
Love Your Neighbor: Ten Ways to Carry Out the Bible's Most Fundamental Law
Money and Morality: A Religious Take on Business Ethics
Joseph Telushkin, named by Talk magazine as one of the 50 best speakers in the United States, is one of America’s leading ethicists. His book, Words that Hurt, Words that Heal, inspired Senators Joseph Lieberman’s and Connie Mack’s Senate Resolution #151 to establish a National Speak No Evil Day in the United States, a day in which Americans would go for twenty—four hours without saying anything unkind or unfair about, or to, anyone. An invaluable sourcebook of tools for businessmen, Words that Hurt, Words that Heal, contains suggestion after suggestion of how and when to criticize, how to keep a disagreement from turning into a quarrel, and the one technique that will keep you, even when angry, from ever saying something that can destroy a relationship.
A much anticipated new book building on the groundbreaking title, Words That Hurt, Words That Heal: How the Words You Choose Shape Your Destiny, will be out in January!
Joseph Telushkin, hailed by Jewish Week as “America’s rabbi,” is a renaissance figure, whose reputation extends well beyond the Jewish community. His novel, An Eye for An Eye, became the basis for four episodes of David Kelley’s Emmy award—winning TV series, The Practice, and he wrote an episode for the TV series, Touched by An Angel for Kirk Douglas, in which Douglas stars as a man who, after a lifetime of struggle with his faith, returns to God. The renowned historian Paul Johnson labeled Telushkin’s A Code of Jewish Ethics—winner of the 2007 National Jewish Book Award as the Book of the Year — as “the most comprehensive introduction to Jewish ethics to appear for many years.” Telushkin’s work has been the subject of a PBS special entitled, Moral Imagination: A Day by Day Guide to Ethical Living, that aired throughout the United States in 2000.
A penetrating speaker with the timing of a standup comic—Telushkin’s earlier book, was hailed by Larry Gelbart (author of Mash): “I don’t know if Jews are really the chosen people, but Telushkin’s book makes a strong argument that they’re the funniest”—so that his talks challenge even as they entertain. One thing is certain: you will walk out of Telushkin’s speech different than when you walked in.