Deirdre Van Nest

  • International Speaker and Trainer, Certified World Class Speaking™ Coach, and Certified Fearless Living Coach
  • Author of Fire Your Fear™, and Creator of Crazy Good Talks® Blueprint

Deirdre Van Nest is the go-to expert for financial advisors, leaders, and professionals in a client-facing role, on improving communication skills (whether one-one or with a group). She is a top-rated International Keynoter, and Trainer, and the creator of the Crazy Good Talks® Blueprint, and The Emotionally Engaging Advisor™- 2 practical communication systems that have taught thousands how to bring in business faster and impact more lives through the power of public speaking, storytelling, and making emotional connections.

Deirdre is a regular contributor for Horsesmouth, a faculty member at the Hoopis Performance Network, and is called upon frequently for interviews on podcasts and TV talk shows.

She’s also a Certified World Class Speaking™ Coach, a Certified Fearless Living Coach, a contributing author of the Amazon bestseller World Class Speaking™ in Action and author of “Fire Your Fear™”.


Deirdre Van Nest photo 3
Deirdre Van Nest photo 2
Deirdre Van Nest headshot
Past Hosts Include:
  • Guardian Life
  • Leader in Financial Services Audience Member at LAMP
  • Financial AdvisorThrivent Financial
  • GAMA International
Rave Reviews About Deirdre Van Nest as a Speaker
Deirdre was the highest rated speaker at GAMA International’s LAMP 2018. She turned what is typically considered a soft conceptual skill of being a powerful presenter into tangible practical strategies our members could use right away. I saw many members in the halls after her talk shooting videos applying what they just learned!

Keynote - Through the power of speaking | LAMP [10:14] - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Deirdre Van Nest
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For professionals in client facing roles and leaders who hold virtual team meetings and events. In 2020 your team likely got really good at running virtual meetings from the tech side-setting up the meeting, great audio, good lighting and backgrounds. Now…in 2021 it’s time for Virtual Selling 2.0! I ...

For professionals in client facing roles and leaders who hold virtual team meetings and events.

In 2020 your team likely got really good at running virtual meetings from the tech side-setting up the meeting, great audio, good lighting and backgrounds.

Now…in 2021 it’s time for Virtual Selling 2.0!

It’s time to up the ante and get Crazy Good at running meetings from a RESULTS perspective. This means knowing how to grab and keep the attention of their listener(s), creating emotional engagement, and moving their listeners towards a desired outcome.

Virtual Selling 2.0 also means your team moves from solely running 1:1 meetings, to leveraging technology by holding webinars and group meetings.

In this presentation your team will learn:

1) Top strategies for virtual engagement- -never again will they bore their listener(s)

2) How to move people to a desired outcome

3) What to do when the unexpected happens so you’re not tempted to hide under your desk- – instead you’ll look like a rock star!

Your group will leave this presentation with increased confidence in their Virtual Selling and relationship building skills.


For Sales Professionals, Advisors, Leaders, and anyone in a client-facing role who is holding Virtual Meetings for Groups Regardless of whether you are hosting a virtual meeting for 3 or 300, there must always be structure and purpose to your event. In this webinar you will discover the #1 mindset s ...

For Sales Professionals, Advisors, Leaders, and anyone in a client-facing role who is holding Virtual Meetings for Groups

Regardless of whether you are hosting a virtual meeting for 3 or 300, there must always be structure and purpose to your event. In this webinar you will discover the #1 mindset shift you MUST make to ensure your meeting goes off without a hitch, strategies to make certain your audience does not get bored and stays on until the end, and what to do/not to do if you run into a technical problem.


This program can be delivered live or virtually and can be tailored to meet the needs of any professional group. This training will warp speed the growth each participant has as a presenter and increase their overall “Executive Presence”. In this 90 min, half-day, or full-day training participants r ...

This program can be delivered live or virtually and can be tailored to meet the needs of any professional group.

This training will warp speed the growth each participant has as a presenter and increase their overall “Executive Presence”. In this 90 min, half-day, or full-day training participants receive hands-on coaching individually and observe each other being coached; think American Idol (without the snarkiness) and The Voice.

Skills learned in the Bootcamp can be applied to creating and delivering presentations to individuals and groups whether the presenter is speaking for 1 minute, 1 hour, or 1 day.

This training is fast-paced and fun while conducted in a “candidly kind” and supportive environment.

Here’s what one leader had to say about the Bootcamp:

Lisa and Peter both had their cell phones just about blow up with all the unsolicited rave reviews of your session. By far, one of the most engaging, informative, and worthwhile sessions I’ve ever experienced – and I wasn’t even presenting! Thank you for always bringing you’re A-game and for your unbridled passion.


If you’re like most leaders you’ve likely wondered, “How do I motivate my team?” and “How do I stand out from my competition?” To be the leader others want to follow these questions MUST be answered. Ironically many leaders are looking for answers in the wrong place. It won’t be found in new product ...

If you’re like most leaders you’ve likely wondered, “How do I motivate my team?” and “How do I stand out from my competition?”

To be the leader others want to follow these questions MUST be answered. Ironically many leaders are looking for answers in the wrong place. It won’t be found in new products or services but rather the answers lay within you!

What makes you a leader others want to follow and what differentiates you from your competition is YOU; the value you bring to the table and most importantly WHY you do what you do. The most effective way to share your WHY is through a specific method of business storytelling.

In this presentation, your leaders will:

· Understand that to stand out in today’s marketplace they must be emotionally engaging.

· Discover the 3 types of business stories every leader should be telling.

· learn how successful leaders are incorporating these stories into their group and 1:1 presentations with their teams and clients.

· Experience first-hand the technique for increasing likability, connection, and trust in 4 minutes or less.

· Pick up the step-by-step formula for crafting their own stories. This is a foundational skill every leader needs in their tool kit. It enables them to overcome skepticism and to connect immediately and authentically with their listeners’ hearts. When this happens it’s like pouring lighter fluid on your conversations, recruiting, and marketing activities!


How to Increase Trust, Likeability, & Connection in 4 Minutes or Less If you’re like most advisors, you know your competition is fierce and the marketplace is noisy. Whether you’re talking with prospects and clients 1:1, in a group setting, or online you’ve likely wondered, “How do I differentia ...

How to Increase Trust, Likeability, & Connection in 4 Minutes or Less

If you’re like most advisors, you know your competition is fierce and the marketplace is noisy. Whether you’re talking with prospects and clients 1:1, in a group setting, or online you’ve likely wondered, “How do I differentiate myself from my competition?”. To be the advisor of choice and to avoid being seen as a commodity this question MUST be answered. Because…

It’s no longer enough to be the smartest person in the room, with the most letters after your name. Today’s consumer demands human connection and transparency. It’s time to put away the complex charts, facts, and figures. Ditch the industry jargon. And show your clients, by becoming an emotionally engaging advisor, that you (and ONLY you) can make their financial dreams a reality.

But…ironically many advisors are looking for answers in the wrong place. It won’t be found in giving more facts and figures about your products or services; the answer lies within you!

What differentiates you from your competition and makes you the obvious choice, someone others want to follow is YOU; specifically, HOW you talk about what you do and WHY you do it.

This is where “crazy good” speaking and storytelling skills come in. The good news is every advisor can gain these skills!

In this presentation you will:

· Discover why relying on technical expertise alone to win and keep business is no longer enough.

· Understand why in order to reach your full potential as an advisor you must develop Crazy Good speaking skills.

· Learn the biggest “sales killing” mistake most advisors make and how to avoid it when you speak and meet with prospects and clients.

· Learn how to connect emotionally with every prospect, client, and audience member.

· Learn the 3 types of business stories every advisor must be telling and how successful advisors are incorporating these stories into their group presentations, 1:1 meetings, and online- -with great success.

· Pick up the step-by-step formula for crafting your own “WHY” story. This is a foundational skill is a GAMECHANGER. It enables you to overcome skepticism and to connect immediately and authentically with your listeners in 4 minutes or less. When this happens it’s like pouring lighter fluid on your conversations and presentations.

· This topic can be delivered in a 60 min keynote format up to a half-day training format.


For Your High-Achieving Advisors, Leaders, & Sales Pros It’s no longer enough to be the smartest or most skilled professional in the room. We are in the Communication Age. This means when speaking to groups, whether it’s for 1 minute or 1 hour, people will make judgments about your competency ba ...

For Your High-Achieving Advisors, Leaders, & Sales Pros

It’s no longer enough to be the smartest or most skilled professional in the room. We are in the Communication Age. This means when speaking to groups, whether it’s for 1 minute or 1 hour, people will make judgments about your competency based on your speaking skills. So…If you’re an A+ Professional but a B- SPEAKER, you have a problem. The potential for someone to assume you’re also B- at your job is high. When this happens, you lose credibility, business, and the ability to impact more lives.

The good news is You can be both! An A+ Professional and an A+ Speaker!

In this practical and interactive talk, your group will:

· Learn why many professionals are not satisfied with the results they get from speaking, and what they can do to skyrocket sales and knock it out of the park every time they speak.

· Discover the mistake almost every presenter makes when they open a presentation. This mistake bores the audience, decreases the number of appointments they set after their talk and reduces their overall impact.

· Get the key for immediately capturing the attention of any audience. Let’s face it if you don’t know how to get peoples’ attention off their phones and on to you, your talk is toast. Master this one technique and you will know how exactly how to command the attention of any audience.

· Discover how to connect emotionally with every audience (use this for 1:1 conversations too). This strategy is like pouring lighter fluid on all your presentations and conversations.


For Your Advisors, Leaders, & Salespeople at all levels Most consumers make buying decisions based on emotion and then back their decision up with logic. That’s why if your team wants people lining up to work with them after a group presentation or 1:1 meeting, they must become Crazy Good Storyt ...

For Your Advisors, Leaders, & Salespeople at all levels

Most consumers make buying decisions based on emotion and then back their decision up with logic. That’s why if your team wants people lining up to work with them after a group presentation or 1:1 meeting, they must become Crazy Good Storytellers.

Crazy Good Storytellers know how to speak to their listener’s emotions, make a concise point, and let their stories do the selling for them.

In this interactive talk your group will:

  • Discover why relying on technical expertise alone to win and keep business is no longer enough.
  • Learn the biggest “sales killing” mistake most professionals make and how to avoid it when they speak and meet with clients.
  • Learn how successful advisors, leaders, and sales pros are incorporating stories into their group presentations and 1:1 meetings with clients and prospects.
  • Discover the 4 types of business stories every professional should be telling. Experience first-hand the technique for increasing likability, connection, and trust- -in 4 minutes or less.
  • Pick up the step-by-step formula for crafting their own stories. This is a foundational skill every advisor needs in their toolkit. When this happens it’s like pouring lighter fluid on their conversations and marketing activities!


Excuses, excuses. When business does not go as planned it’s easy to blame results on the economy … other people … not enough time or not enough money. But where does that lead? Nowhere. For many Advisors, blame too often is a cover up for fear… and here’s the kicker — everything they want for their ...

Excuses, excuses.

When business does not go as planned it’s easy to blame results on the economy … other people … not enough time or not enough money. But where does that lead? Nowhere. For many Advisors, blame too often is a cover up for fear… and here’s the kicker — everything they want for their business — more clients, more money, more visibility — is on the other side of fear.

Which means that fear is the only thing standing between the business they have and the one they want. When they “Fire Fear”, they take control — and can finally create the business that aligns with their goals and values.

In this engaging and practical presentation, your Advisors will:

  • Discover how fear and self-doubt may be sabotaging success in their business and quality of life.
  • Learn the mindset shift they must make about fear so they can consistently make decisions that move them forward in their business – rather than hold them back.
  • Learn why “feeling comfortable” may be the biggest problem they have in business right now.
  • Pick up a simple yet powerful daily practice that propels them out of their comfort zone and into the “success zone.”


For Your Leaders If you’re like most leaders, whether you’re in recruiting or production mode you’ve likely wondered, “How do I differentiate myself from my competition?” You know your competition is fierce and the marketplace is noisy. To be the leader others want to follow and to avoid being seen ...

For Your Leaders

If you’re like most leaders, whether you’re in recruiting or production mode you’ve likely wondered, “How do I differentiate myself from my competition?” You know your competition is fierce and the marketplace is noisy.

To be the leader others want to follow and to avoid being seen as a commodity this question MUST be answered. Ironically many leaders are looking for answers in the wrong place. It won’t be found in new products or services but rather it lies within you!

What differentiates you from your competition is YOU; how you talk about what you do and more importantly WHY you do it. The most effective way to share your WHY is through a specific method of business storytelling.

In this presentation, your leaders will:

  • Discover the 4 types of business stories every leader should be telling.
  • Learn how successful leaders are incorporating these stories into their group and 1:1 presentations with candidates and clients.
  • Experience first-hand the technique for increasing likability, connection, and trust- -in 4 minutes or less.
  • Pick up the step-by-step formula for crafting their own stories. This is a foundational skill every leader needs in their toolkit. It enables them to overcome skepticism and to connect immediately and authentically with their listeners’ hearts. When this happens it’s like pouring lighter fluid on your conversations, recruiting, and marketing activities!

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Books by Deirdre Van Nest

Deirdre Van Nest is the go-to expert for financial advisors, leaders, and professionals in a client-facing role, on improving communication skills (whether one-one or with a group). She is a top-rated International Keynoter, and Trainer, and the creator of the Crazy Good Talks® Blueprint, and The Emotionally Engaging Advisor™- 2 practical communication systems that have taught thousands how to bring in business faster and impact more lives through the power of public speaking, storytelling, and making emotional connections.

Deirdre is a regular contributor for Horsesmouth, a faculty member at the Hoopis Performance Network, and is called upon frequently for interviews on podcasts and TV talk shows.

She’s also a Certified World Class Speaking™ Coach, a Certified Fearless Living Coach, a contributing author of the Amazon bestseller World Class Speaking™ in Action and author of “Fire Your Fear™”.