Cheryl Cran

  • Future of Work Expert
  • Founder, NextMapping™ |
  • CEO, Synthesis at Work Inc.
  • Bestselling Author and Host, 'NextNow' Podcast

Named as a #1 future of work influencer, Cheryl Cran engages audiences on the trends and technologies shaping the future workplace today, the strategies to proactively map the future as a leader, and how to create agile, flexible and innovative teams to meet the real-time disruptions and demands of fast changing world. 

CEO of parent company Synthesis at Work Inc. and founder of NextMapping™/ -  a business solution brand that encompasses all of Cheryl’s work and research on the future of work and the leadership needed to navigate change in the workplace - Cheryl has built a reputation over two decades for delivering extraordinary value to clients that include AT&T, Bell Mobility, Omnitel, Gartner, British Telcomm, Manulife, as well as mid-sized companies and entrepreneurs in industries that include technology, health, agriculture, finance, insurance and more. 

The common theme of all of Cheryl’s life’s work is a ‘people first’ and digital second approach to create a more human future, helping companies to build the leadership capacity needed to 'change the world' through business. Her future of work thought leadership has been featured in publications such as Huff Post, Forbes, IABC Magazine, Law Magazine, Metro New York, Entrepreneur Magazine, Readers Digest, CBS Online, NBC Online, Fox Online and more. Cran is the author of 7 books on the ultimate leadership skills needed to be future of work ready, including NextMapping - Anticipate, Navigate & Create The Future of Work and her new book Super, Crucial, Human. She is the creator and host of the podcast NextNow - Future of All Things.

As one of the most dynamic female innovation keynote speakers, Cran delivers true value to leaders and teams by helping them transform their thinking from linear to creative and drive innovation for themselves and for their company. Her clients describe her as ‘the best’ at providing context and solutions for a fast changing future in a vibrant and interactive keynote speech delivery style.


Cheryl Cran headshot
Past Hosts Include:
  • CREW Network Foundation
  • Appirio
  • Simon Fraser University
  • PRSM Association
  • Legal Innovation Summit
  • GEA Farm Technologies USA
  • Association of Government Accountants
  • California State University
  • Fike
  • Raytheon Employee Association
Rave Reviews About Cheryl Cran
I’ve worked with Cheryl several times and each event she knocks it out of the park. She listens to what you need and what you are trying to achieve with your event, she brings a practical message with memorable visuals that inspire the audience. Evaluations of Cheryl’s presentations are always very high marks. She’s authentic, dynamic and professional. She delivers every time!

Podcast Premiere - The Future of All Things | NextNow Podcast With Cheryl Cran [11:04] - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Cheryl Cran
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The Future of Work Is Now – Are You Ready?

Trends, insights and research on the Future of Work Employee engagement, creating future ready leaders, attracting and retaining top talent are all elements that are rapidly changing and impacting the way we work and how we need to change to meet the challenges of the future workplace today. This k ...

Trends, insights and research on the Future of Work

Employee engagement, creating future ready leaders, attracting and retaining top talent are all elements that are rapidly changing and impacting the way we work and how we need to change to meet the challenges of the future workplace today.

This keynote will provide researched global business insights, thought provoking, creative, leading edge ideas and strategies on how leaders can take immediate action to increase team buy in, adaptability and execution NOW as we head towards 2030.

Attendees will leave this session with:

  • A look at the trends and technologies shaping the future workplace today
  • Ideas for leaders and their teams to adapt their personality style and leadership style to the fast changing workplace
  • “How” to successfully work with and engage the multiple generations in the workplace
  • Insights into how leaders need to adapt to the ever-changing reality of worker attitudes and shifting attitudes on loyalty, job satisfaction and how work is done
  • Mindset model on how to navigate fast pace of change as we head to future of work
  • Research on the multiple intelligences needed to navigate the future of work
  • Case studies and examples of progressive companies and leaders on the leading edge of creating innovative future ready workplaces
  • Strategies on how to get everyone on board with the overall future vision, build excitement for the company’s direction and create commitment and buy-in to taking action today and for the future

The Future of Leadership

Never before have workplaces had so much ambiguity, uncertainty and constant change.  Workers are challenged with doing more with less, learning at the speed of disruption and working with diverse situations.  There is a massive opportunity for leaders to create the future for themselves and their t ...

Never before have workplaces had so much ambiguity, uncertainty and constant change. 

Workers are challenged with doing more with less, learning at the speed of disruption and working with diverse situations. 

There is a massive opportunity for leaders to create the future for themselves and their teams. 

With the increase of digital transformation there is a calling for leaders to be connected, empathetic and inspiring for their teams. 

In this keynote leaders will learn: 

  • The most recent and up to date research on the future workplace and what it means for leaders today 
  • Statistics and sentiment analysis on worker attitudes and what workers want today and in the future from their leaders 
  • Leadership models on the ‘me to we’ mindset and mapping the future of the leadership journey 
  • Tips and strategies on how to leverage leadership mastery to increase the attraction and retention of top talent 
  • Inspiring ideas that can be put into immediate action to increase employee motivation and engagement 
  • Practical daily actions to help leaders feel energized and to help their teams to be inspired and excited to create the future of work 

Cheryl Cran, future of work expert and founder of NextMapping, shares inspiring, uplifting and practical ideas for leaders to be future ready now! 

The Best Way to Create the Future is to Map It.

Map your future with creativity and agility Many disruptions including government shifts, global disasters, mergers and acquisitions, artificial intelligence, robotics, and changing worker attitudes is causing the need for leaders to be able to map the future of work for their company and for their ...

Map your future with creativity and agility

Many disruptions including government shifts, global disasters, mergers and acquisitions, artificial intelligence, robotics, and changing worker attitudes is causing the need for leaders to be able to map the future of work for their company and for their teams.

The type of leadership that is needed during these fast-paced times is the ability to flex in times of flux. Agility, adaptability and innovation are key attributes that will help leaders to drive the change and transformation needed to get to the future of work.

This future of work keynote provides insights into the future of work and strategies to proactively map the future as a leader. Dynamic ideas and creative approaches to help build future ready leadership that drives transformation towards the future of work.

Attendees will leave this session with:

  • Insights on the impact of AI and robotics on your industry locally and globally
  • A bi-modal model on how to leverage the best of what’s working now with data from future trends research
  • Case studies of organizations that have successfully mapped their future by being on top of trends and future of work
  • How to harness the ‘people first’ principle of future workplaces and a look at leaders who have leveraged technology to enable extraordinary value for clients and employee experience
  • A ‘what needs to change’ and ‘what will never change’ checklist to help prioritize strategic actions towards future of work
  • Inspiration, ideas and a ‘map’ of the future for self/teams/business that can be put into practical application right away
  • NextMapping™ model and steps to create your future for self/business

Future Ready Teams - How to Create Agile, Adaptable & Innovative Teams

Agile, flexible and innovative teams are the Future of Work This future of teams’ keynote provides dynamic insights into the future of teams and how team structure is morphing to meet the real-time disruptions and demands of fast changing world. Research shows that small teams with highly motivated ...

Agile, flexible and innovative teams are the Future of Work

This future of teams’ keynote provides dynamic insights into the future of teams and how team structure is morphing to meet the real-time disruptions and demands of fast changing world. Research shows that small teams with highly motivated and engaged individuals are able to innovate and execute very quickly. The impact on business with high performing teams is faster ideas to market, nimble solutions for client experience and ultimately competitive advantage.

Attendees will leave this session with:

  • The latest research on team dynamics needed for future of work
  • Statistics and data on the best future of work structure of a team, the best mix of personalities, aptitudes and more
  • Strategies for team members to build a ‘me to we’ future of work attitude
  • A mindset model on how to shift towards a ‘shared leadership’ team culture
  • Ideas on how to cross collaborate, break down silos and innovate across the business
  • How to create agile, adaptable and innovative teams
  • Inspiration and plans to ‘map out’ what’s next for your teams to be future of work ready

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Create an extraordinary meeting experience with Cheryl Cran

Named as a #1 future of work influencer, CHERYL CRAN delivers true value to leaders and teams by helping them transform their thinking from linear to creative and drive innovation for themselves and for their company. Cheryl has built a reputation over two decades for delivering extraordinary value to clients that include AT&T, Bell Mobility, Omnitel, Gartner, British Telcomm, Manulife, as well as mid-sized companies and entrepreneurs in industries that include technology, health, agriculture, finance, insurance and more. Her clients describe her as ‘the best’ at providing context and solutions for a fast changing future in a vibrant and interactive keynote speech delivery style. Her approach as an innovation, leadership and creativity keynote speaker includes gathering audience data, and integrating data into a customized keynote as well as real time interaction during the keynote. Cheryl consistently receives rave reviews: "Cheryl’s keynote dynamic and was right on the money...We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to others." (International Salon Spa Business Network); "Cheryl’s opening keynote started our conference off with huge energy." (Association of Government Accountants); "Cheryl didn’t just talk about the future and trends she actually gave us the change leadership tools to create our next level of success." (Fike) 

Books by Cheryl Cran
Press & Media

Cheryl Cran is the founder of NextMapping™/ and the CEO of parent company Synthesis at Work Inc.

Recognized as the #1 Future of Work influencer by Onalytica, Cheryl Cran is the author of 7 books including NextMapping - Anticipate, Navigate & Create The Future of Work. Other book titles include The Art of Change Leadership – Driving Transformation In a Fast-Paced World (Wiley 2015), 101 Ways to Make Generations X, Y and Zoomers Happy at Work (2010) and 4 other books on the ultimate leadership skills needed to be future of work ready.

Cheryl’s future of work thought leadership has been featured in publications such as Huff Post, Forbes, IABC Magazine, Law Magazine, Metro New York, Entrepreneur Magazine, Readers Digest, CBS Online, NBC Online, Fox Online and more.

For over two decades Cheryl has built a reputation for delivering extraordinary value to clients that include AT&T, Bell Mobility, Omnitel, Gartner, British Telcomm, Manulife, as well as mid-sized companies and entrepreneurs in industries that include technology, health, agriculture, finance, insurance and more.

NextMapping™ was developed as a proprietary business solution brand that encompasses all of Cheryl’s work and research on the future of work and the leadership needed to navigate change in the workplace. It’s time to not just hear about the future but to use NextMapping™ to get there! Technology in the workplace must be used to prepare for the future with a focus on how technology can enhance outcomes for people.

The common theme of all of Cheryl’s life’s work is a ‘people first’ and digital second approach to create a more human future, helping companies to build the leadership capacity needed to ‘change the world' through business.