Tina Tchen

  • Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Policy Officer, Obama Foundation
  • Former President & CEO, Time's Up
  • Former Assistant to President Barack Obama & Former Chief of Staff to First Lady Michelle Obama
  • Advocate for Gender Equality and Children's Issues

Tina Tchen shares hope, ideas and strategies that inspire others to recognize the power of diverse teams and keep equality on the forefront of the global agenda.

A high-powered lawyer, Tina’s career accomplishments have established her as a powerful advocate for gender equality. As the former President and CEO of TIME’S UP Now and the TIME’S UP Foundation, Tina oversaw the organizations’ efforts to change culture, companies, and laws in order to make work safe, fair, and dignified for women of all kinds. In 2017, Tina co-founded the TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund, which has connected more than 3,600 people to legal or PR support for sexual harassment across dozens of different industries. Tina currently serves as the Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Policy Officer for the Obama Foundation.

During her eight years at the White House, Tina served as chief of staff to First Lady Michelle Obama, special assistant to President Barack Obama, and the executive director of the Council on Women and Girls, leading the first-ever White House Summit on Working Families and the first-ever United State of Women Summit. 

A passionate champion for women’s and children’s issues, including women in positions of leadership, Tina shares her unique perspective and insights on workforce diversity and inclusion, breaking through male-dominated industries, and ending campus assault. Energetic, authentic and engaging on stage, she empowers the next generation to raise their voices and take action now to secure a better tomorrow for women and minorities across the country and world.



Tina Tchen headshot
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Past Hosts Include:
  • Roger William University
  • Procter & Gamble
Rave Reviews About Tina Tchen
The day was a triumph and Tina was a rock star. She is amazing and the students so appreciated her sincere attentiveness. She went beyond the call in terms of the time she spent talking 1:1 with them. Thanks for your support in making this happen for RWU.

Virtual In Conversation - Women in the Pandemic, and Latest with Time's Up | Makers@Home [24:44] - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Tina Tchen
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A Conversation with Tina Tchen

Tina Tchen draws from her lifetime of public service, including eight years in the Obama White House, to inspire others to realize the power of an individual to spark change and the value of diverse teams in any venture. A passionate champion for women and minority empowerment, Tina encourages young ...

Tina Tchen draws from her lifetime of public service, including eight years in the Obama White House, to inspire others to realize the power of an individual to spark change and the value of diverse teams in any venture. A passionate champion for women and minority empowerment, Tina encourages young leaders to recognize their worth, take charge of their futures, and set and achieve lofty goals. From organizations to communities and college campuses, Tina proves to audiences that leadership looks like everyone, and that, no matter your race, gender, sexual orientation or creed, the corner office, the Oval Office and any other aspiration are within reach. Listeners walk away motivated to contribute toward creating a world where equality, diversity and inclusion are no longer buzzwords, but typical facts of everyday life.

Speaker News

Speaker Spotlight: Tina Tchen helps audiences learn specific, concrete steps to further equality as the former President and CEO of Time’s Up

TINA TCHEN served as president and CEO of TIME’S UP Now and the TIME’S UP Foundation, overseeing the organizations’ efforts to change culture, companies, and laws to make work safe, fair, and dignified for women of all kinds. Former Chief of Staff to Michelle Obama and one of the co-founders of the Time's UP Legal Defense Fund-- which has connected more than 3,600 people to legal or PR support for sexual harassment across dozens of industries-- Tina is at the forefront of the movement for women's rights in a post MeToo era. In her speeches she instructs managers and leaders with specific, actionable ways they can turn their company culture into one of change-making to further equality in every form, with actions they can take in their daily lives. Tchen is frequently making headlines for her work, with recent features in Wall Street JournalThe New York TimesMarie ClaireFast Company, and others, such as a recent interview in Forbes where she discusses actionable insights and answers questions about the current moment. In order to make the equality movement bring lasting change, Tchen runs a research lab that uncovers the policies and strategies that actually work in ensuring gender equality in the workplace.

A powerful, compelling speaker, Tchen is hired by CEOs to provide insights on how to enact equitable policies and transform their workplace in ways that promote diversity and inclusivity. Sought-out to speak everywhere from Roger William University to The New York Times New Rules Summit, Tchen's eye-opening and actionable insights make a tangible impact. As the Procter & Gamble raved: "It was a pleasure to have Tina as our Keynote Speaker. She wowed our attendees – both employees and external attendees alike. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback on her talk, such as: 'Tina’s speech was eye-opening to think differently and deeply on the subject of gender equality and diversity in such different angles and perspective..."

Press & Media
Ideas for the Meeting Planner

Tina Tchen served as the former president and CEO of TIME’S UP Now and the TIME’S UP Foundation, overseeing the organizations’ efforts to change culture, companies, and laws in order to make work safe, fair, and dignified for women of all kinds. In 2017, Tina co-founded the TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund with Robbie Kaplan, Fatima Goss Graves, and Hilary Rosen; since then, the Fund has connected more than 3,600 people to legal or PR support for sexual harassment across dozens of different industries. 

A former assistant to President Obama, executive director of the White House Council on Women and Girls, and chief of staff to First Lady Michelle Obama, Tina has worked for decades to advance gender equality, particularly for working women. At the White House, Tina spearheaded the first-ever White House Summit on Working Families and helped form the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault.

Prior to taking the helm at TIME’S UP, Tina was a lawyer specializing in workplace culture, advising companies on gender inequity, sexual harassment, and diversity. She has served on numerous strategic advisory boards for organizations, businesses, and nonprofits, including the United State of Women, which she continues to co-chair.