Steven Eastaugh

  • Expert on Health Finance and Economics
  • Author
  • Health Policy Advisor to President Obama (2008-2010)

As a speaker, consultant, professor and agent of change, Dr. Eastaugh has served as Health Policy Advisor to President Obama and taught health economics for 37 years. The author of nine books including his latest, Health Care Finance and Economics and more than 100 journal articles.

Dr. Steven Eastaugh has traveled to some 36 countries as part of his health services research. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the American College of Healthcare Executives Edgar Hayhow award for "Best Health Care Article of the Year


Steven Eastaugh headshot
Past Hosts Include:
  • GNYHA Ventures, Inc.
  • New England Journal of Medicine
  • Administrative Science Quarterly
  • American Hospital Association
Rave Reviews About Steven Eastaugh
I wanted to weigh in and give you my unambiguous recommendation on behalf of Steve and his ability to engage a hospital trade association audience. I have known Steve for almost 30 years and there is no academic who is a more dynamic and insightful speaker. He has a rare ability to make complex topics accessible to wide audiences.

How will we pay for healthcare reform? - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Steven Eastaugh

How the New Washington Will Change ACA less than 15% -- What's New Re: Health Policy

Navigating Tectonic Changes in Health Services Delivery

Aging Innovations and Service Re-design for Seniors

Staying Lean and Containing Cost in the New Marketplace

Preserving Health Care Value-based Initiatives

Improving Provider Productivity while Enhancing Service Quality

Preserving Value-based Purchasing Innovation

The Hidden Story of Longterm Costs for Electronic Health Records

Tick tock: The Healthcare Reformation will be Bumpy

Quality Strategy: Value-based Contracting

Books by Steven Eastaugh
Press & Media

Steven Eastaugh was a professor in health economics and management for 38 years at Cornell University and George Washington University.     Four thousand health care  leaders in the USA and around the world have had their careers shaped in part by Professor Eastaugh.   He taught health economics and finance at Schools of Public Health, business schools, and medical schools.  He is the author of nine books and more than 90 journal articles.  Dr. Eastaugh is a nationally acclaimed speaker, consultant and agent of change who has traveled to some 36 countries as part of his health services research.  In 2008-2010 he was health policy advisor to Barack Obama.  In 2016-2017 he was health policy advisor to Hillary Clinton.

Professor Eastaugh has won numerous awards, including the American College of Healthcare Executives Edgar Hayhow Award for “best health care article of the year.” He also won the Marriott Award for productivity enhancement in the service sector.  He has been a forceful advocate for universal affordable health insurance, which he believes can be funded through dramatic reductions in health care paperwork and administrative costs.  Prior to coming teaching, he was senior staff health economist at the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.



Bachelor of Arts (Biochemistry and Economics), Harvard University, 1973

Master of Science (Public Health), Harvard University, 1975

Doctor of Public Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 1978



Professor Eastaugh’s main research interests include health economics, health systems reform, cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness and technology assessment.


Community Service

Dr. Eastaugh works actively with a number of professional organizations, including the American Public Health Association, the American College of Healthcare Executives, Association of University Programs in Health Administration, and Operations Research Society of America.

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