Avner Avraham

  • Former Mossad Agent
  • Consultant, Major Motion Picture "Operation Finale The Capture and Trial of Adolf Eichmann"
  • Curator, "Operation Finale: The Capture and Trial of Adolf Eichmann"

A former Mossad agent Avner Avraham is a renowned expert on Mossad operations who famously worked to reveal and publicize the insider story of the historic 1960 capture of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann. While working as a Mossad agent, Avraham discovered the original documents surrounding Eichmann's capture and trial, and, moved to share his findings with a wider audience, curated the world-famous and headline-making museum exhibit  "Operation Finale: The Capture and Trial of Adolf Eichmann" and produced an accompanying documentary. With the story now the subject of a major motion picture-- MGM's Operation Finale starring Oscar Isaac and Ben Kingsley-- for which Avraham served as a key consultant, Avraham is in-demand for his fascinating insights into this rich chapter of Jewish history and engaging anecdotes on his time as real-life spy.


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Avner Avraham headshot
Past Hosts Include:
  • Temple Beth El of Boca Raton
  • Congregation Shalom, Milwaukee
  • Milwaukee Jewish Federation
Rave Reviews About Avner Avraham as a Speaker
Both events were phenomenal! Avner is an outstanding speaker. He mesmerized, educated and wowed our community with never before heard historical information. It was such a privilege to have Avner speak in Milwaukee at Congregation Shalom.

The Capture of Eichmann and Bringing Nazis to Justice | 92Y [1:20:03] - Get Sharable Link
Press & Media

Avner Avraham, former 'Mossad' agent (Israeli Secret Intelligence service) is a world-renowned expert in Mossad operations, lecturer, exhibition, and films producer and curator, and writer. Avner is particularly known for activities around the documentary film "Operation Finale: The Story of Eichmann's Capture and Trial" and for the exhibition on" Operation Entebbe" (Operation Yonatan). Avner holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and a master's degree (cum laude) in business administration and entrepreneurship. Graduated (cum laude) in Museology and curatorial studies from Tel-Aviv University. Avner edits and broadcasts a weekly radio program on the Israeli radio which deals with culture and art. Avner is engaged in abstract and pop-art painting. Curator and producer of conceptual art exhibitions, combining music performances.