Building Trust, Compassion, and Personal Responsibility in the Workplace
Annette Simmons uses her storytelling as an amazingly powerful form of communication. She plans to use her abilities to give her personal insight into how building trust, compassion, and personal responsibility play a role in the workplace. This contribution provides inspiration and meaning to workplace relationships. Annette is able to boil down the essence of these ideas and communicate it with lightning-bolt force, impacting people on both a personal and professional level.
Cooperation = Bottom Line Results
Through her unique abilities as a storyteller, Annette has taught executives, managers, and employees how to increase group cooperation, thus dramatically changing the dynamic of the "bottom line" culture. Additionally, her stories have been able to teach members of the corporate world how to develop relationships that will help the bottom line. Her stories also offer practical and realistic suggestions for what you can do to stop the game playing and get back to business. She is able to change faulty behaviors into a network of positive contributors.
“The Story Factor”
Many years of experience and personal storytelling Annette Simmons creates a dynamic dialogue for her audiences to learn from. She makes you think and her speeches are guided trips down new rivers of thought that shifts perspective. She continues to inspire audiences through her word and offer new ideas to help impact one’s personal achievements and grow in a healthy working environment.
Working Women Warriors
Annette Simmons knows that women have different hopes, fears and desires and these differences create a big difference in women’s experience of power. Women have been fighting for equal rights to play a game they don’t even enjoy. Annette reports on qualitative research that re-defines what makes women feel powerful – freedom to do what they please – and how that creates enormous inner conflicts for women seeking powerful positions in organizations. She presents three core solutions: 1) validate your own definition of power over and above the “common” definition 2) find the feeling of power before you seek the position of power – never trade the feeling for a position 3) toss out other’s expectations and set your own desires firmly at the top of your priorities. Ultimately, women serve the world best when they obey our true natures and trust their own judgment.
Annette Simmons is the author of four books: Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins (2006), The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence, and Persuasion through the Art of Storytelling (2001, 2nd edition 2005), A Safe Place for Dangerous Truth: Using Dialogue to Overcome Fear & Distrust (1999) and Territorial Games: Understanding and Ending Turf Wars at Work (1997). She is President of Group Process Consulting (Greensboro, NC) and combines public speaking, writing, consulting and constant research and development to serve organizations seeking to increase workgroup cooperation for bottom-line results. Annette delivers keynote speeches, short interventions and training experiences that cause participants to rethink faulty assumptions that perpetuate faulty workplace behaviors. Clients include federal clients like NASA, IRS, NSA, large clients like IBM, Best Buy and Analog Devices as well as churches and small privately held clients.
Annette is an entertaining storyteller and has been featured on CNBC’s Power Lunch, NPR’s Market Watch, talk radio programs, and quoted in Fortune, Working Woman, Harvard Business Review, The Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, and dozens of other respected publications. In addition to English, her books have been published in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, Norwegian and German.