Mike Staver

  • CEO, The Staver Group
  • Leadership and Innovation Expert

Mike Staver is the CEO of The Staver Group and an internationally respected coach and speaker. With a master’s degree in counseling psychology and a bachelor’s degree in business administration, he has found a way to make complex ideas simple, memorable and immediately applicable. He is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), a designation held by fewer than 10% of the members belonging to the International Federation for Professional Speakers. He has been ranked one of the 40 hottest business speakers in America by Meetings and Conventions magazine.


Mike Staver headshot
Past Hosts Include:
  • UF Health
  • U.S. Cellular
  • Smith's Food and Drug
  • dotloop
  • Long Systems
Rave Reviews About Mike Staver
'The best speaker we’ve ever had!' That was the comment I heard repeatedly after Mike Staver spoke at our Leadership Development Institute (LDI). Mike was humorous, engaging, and more importantly, inspiring. His message on courageous leadership has sparked hallway discussions, creative ideas, and new interest in attending the LDIs. That’s quite an accomplishment, given that the audience consisted of seasoned, senior leaders who can be tough to impress. 'Awesome presentation! Thank you for investing in Mike for us!' Their words, not mine, recognizing and appreciating the value Mike brought to us, and recognizing our investment in our employees. I couldn’t have envisioned a better response. Thanks to Mike and his team, my team looked great!

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Talks & Conversations with Mike Staver
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Leadership isn't for Cowards: How to Lead Courageously in a Turbulent Age

We live in an age when it is more and more challenging to manage all of the information, demands, and challenges that are coming at us. It takes real courage to stand firm in what you believe and then to get your followers to understand what really matters and how to execute effectively. Your abilit ...

We live in an age when it is more and more challenging to manage all of the information, demands, and challenges that are coming at us. It takes real courage to stand firm in what you believe and then to get your followers to understand what really matters and how to execute effectively. Your ability to influence your followers is key to every step in creating significant results. Courage is the key element in that process.

How to Create an Exceptional Customer Experience: How It Was Is Not How It Is

Are you creating a world-class customer experience? Please read that carefully. Then read it again. When all extraneous issues are stripped away, the customer experience is the single most critical factor in determining your success. In a very real sense, nothing else matters. How that experience ...

Are you creating a world-class customer experience? Please read that carefully. Then read it again. When all extraneous issues are stripped away, the customer experience is the single most critical factor in determining your success. In a very real sense, nothing else matters. How that experience is defined is the key to success.

People sometimes hesitate to speak of creating the customer experience because it can sound cliché or simple. The fact is it is simple – but not easy. Up until around 1995, the provider of goods and services drove the transaction. That is not the way it is anymore, and we are not going back. To believe that customers are going to transact business the way they always have is to ignore the majority of the research and to ignore your own experience as a consumer. Today the customer, and only the customer, defines what that experience is and how much it is worth.

How to Stay Calm Under Pressure: Deal with It!

It’s not about stress management. That won’t work! It’s not about changing your circumstances. That will only change the scenery. Today, more than ever, you are being asked to do more and more. What it gets down to is how you choose to invest energy. It’s not the hours ...

It’s not about stress management. That won’t work! It’s not about changing your circumstances. That will only change the scenery. Today, more than ever, you are being asked to do more and more. What it gets down to is how you choose to invest energy. It’s not the hours you work, it’s the value you get from the work you do. Do not, under any circumstances, let someone convince you that it is an easy process – but it is simple. In this session, participants will learn what it takes to stay calm and focused even if they don’t like the circumstances.

How to Build a High-Performance Culture: Getting the Heart of the Leader Beating in the Chest of the Follower

What do you stand for? What does your company stand for? Are your values clear? Are they obvious to customers, staff, and the community? Is your company optimally positioned and differentiated by the consistent application of your vision and core values? Most leaders and organizations are moving ...

What do you stand for? What does your company stand for? Are your values clear? Are they obvious to customers, staff, and the community? Is your company optimally positioned and differentiated by the consistent application of your vision and core values?

Most leaders and organizations are moving at such a rapid pace that taking a step back to think about these things seems like a luxury when, in fact, it couldn’t be more crucial. It doesn’t matter where your company or your industry happens to be in the growth cycle. Focusing on who you are and what you stand for is the most critical thing you can do.

Winning is No Accident

Every day massive accomplishments are realized all over the world: diseases being cured; teams winning championships; innovative products going to market; and a host of other positive experiences. These things do not happen by accident. They happen as the direct result of certain fundamental princip ...

Every day massive accomplishments are realized all over the world: diseases being cured; teams winning championships; innovative products going to market; and a host of other positive experiences. These things do not happen by accident. They happen as the direct result of certain fundamental principles. The good news is they aren’t a secret; they aren’t hidden in some far-off locale, waiting to be unearthed. They are ready and available for you right now. While these life and business-transforming principles are simple, they are not always simple to implement. Here is an opportunity to learn and apply EXACTLY what you need to do to accomplish outstanding results.

Talent for Keeps: How to Attract, Retain, and Engage Top Performers

To be successful now and in the future, companies need to recruit, sustain and develop forward-thinking, creative, engaged, and passionate people. Many companies design or purchase platforms they think will meet their talent objectives. The problem is that these decisions are done in a vacuum witho ...

To be successful now and in the future, companies need to recruit, sustain and develop forward-thinking, creative, engaged, and passionate people. Many companies design or purchase platforms they think will meet their talent objectives.

The problem is that these decisions are done in a vacuum without awareness of one essential fact: Talent stays or leaves depending on the demonstration of authentic and courageous leadership. People join companies and they leave managers. The difference in retaining top performers is whether your people enjoy coming to work or make excuses to do the minimum.

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Books by Mike Staver

Mike Staver is the CEO of The Staver Group and has been described as a “rebel with a cause.” What is that cause? Working with leaders in industries around the world to help them confront their realities, zero in on their fears, take action in spite of those fears, and start making the quick decisions necessary to achieve outstanding results in a global economy. With a bachelor’s degree in business and a master’s in psychology, Mike cuts through the superfluous and gets to the heart of what needs to be done. Through his keynote speaking and executive coaching, he reaches tens of thousands of people each year and challenges them to courageously rethink business as usual.

An advocate of counterintuitive thinking, Mike resists conventional wisdom and instead presents the cold, hard truth with challenging honesty. Mike is unafraid of confronting what needs to be confronted; you will be inspired to take courageous action where needed after experiencing his influence.  His high energy, love of humor, and his uncanny ability to simplify complex issues and make them  actionable and memorable make him one of the most inspiring speakers you will ever hear.

He has been interviewed for many publications on his signature speaking and writing topic Leadership Isn’t for Cowards and how to build high performance firms and his new book with the same title was just released. With a master’s degree in counseling psychology and a bachelor’s degree in business administration, he has found a way to make complex ideas simple, memorable and immediately applicable. He is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), a designation held by fewer than 10% of the members belonging to the International Federation for Professional Speakers. Mike is a best selling author and award winning speaker. Most recently he was chosen as one of the 40 hottest business speakers in America by Meetings and Conventions magazine.