Irshad Manji

  • Founder and Director, Moral Courage Project at New York University
  • Acclaimed PBS Filmmaker, "Faith Without Fear"
  • Celebrated by Deepak Chopra as the "New voice of reform, not only for Islam, but for all religions."
  • International Bestselling Author, The Trouble with Islam Today and Allah, Liberty and Love

Irshad Manji is the Bestselling Author of The Trouble with Islam Today and, most recently, Allah, Liberty and Love: The Courage to Reconcile Faith and Freedom. Dedicated to finding common ground in a fractured world, she has transformed her personal journey into a riveting story that helps others to live with courage.

Through her Moral Courage Project at NYU, Professor Manji is teaching a new generation of global citizens to challenge conformity, even at the price of backlash. Her inspiring message: Any of us can change the world by daring to ask questions - out loud.

Whether addressing colleges, corporations, or congregations, Irshad Manji gives game-changing guidance that individuals can take away and apply to their lives. She does it all with personality, passion and humor.


Irshad Manji headshot
Past Hosts Include:
  • Young Women's Leadership Network
  • White House Fellows Foundation Association
  • Newport Beach Public Library Foundation
  • The India Today Group
  • Congregation Beth Shalom (Illinois)
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • American Library Association
  • Trinity High School
  • Young Women's Leadership Foundation
  • Simmons College, 2004-2007
Rave Reviews About Irshad Manji
Irshad Manji, with her knowledge of Islam and her passion for change, generated the largest daytime event ever hosted at the Clinton School of Public Service. The audience, which consisted of students, faculty, policymakers and interested citizens, was flowing out of the building. Moreover, I've never seen our audience so inspired for action. Irshad stirred people's emotions and called them to act upon a noble cause for modernity and reason. The overwhelming response was also indicated by media. The state's largest newspaper ran a large feature and, later, a lengthy editorial about the hope that Irshad provides. Even after months of her speaking at the Clinton School, people are asking when she's coming back. The Clinton community has developed what I call 'Irshad-itis' more commonly known as Irshad-Withdrawal.

Irshad Manji accepts Lantos Human Rights Prize - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Irshad Manji
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Creating Diversity for Prosperity

Irshad Manji belongs to several minority communities, which makes her a uniquely credible voice on diversity. But she emphasizes that diversity is not about appearances. It goes deeper than race, gender, or culture. Real diversity is about being uniquely individual. Dare to think differently from th ...

Irshad Manji belongs to several minority communities, which makes her a uniquely credible voice on diversity. But she emphasizes that diversity is not about appearances. It goes deeper than race, gender, or culture. Real diversity is about being uniquely individual. Dare to think differently from those in "your" group. That's the way to realize your full human potential.

By sharing examples from her own life and that of renowned historical figures, Irshad Manji shows us how individuality benefits the greater good. Along the way, she answers questions that help conquer fears.

Speak your mind. Engage your conscience. Accept your uniqueness. Each of us has an authentic voice. Using hers, Prof. Manji will help you enhance the diversity of your environment.

The Future of Islam

In this dynamic presentation, Irshad Manji charts the course for the reform of Islam. By reform, she means reconciling faith and freedom. Professor Manji offers key insights into a new generation of Muslims, illuminating their challenges and opportunities. She also empowers non-Muslims to support Is ...

In this dynamic presentation, Irshad Manji charts the course for the reform of Islam. By "reform," she means reconciling faith and freedom. Professor Manji offers key insights into a new generation of Muslims, illuminating their challenges and opportunities. She also empowers non-Muslims to support Islamic reform in ways that bring out the better angels in all of us.

Starting with her personal journey and ending on recommendations for action, Professor Manji urges every individual - Muslim and non-Muslim - to become a leader in the struggle for universal human rights. Better yet, she shows us how.

How Do We Clean House in the Financial, Political or Religious Sectors?

With Americans reeling from corruption - in the financial industry, in organized religion, and in our political culture - it's time to answer the question: How do we clean house? Through moral courage. Robert F. Kennedy defined moral courage as the willingness to speak truth to power within your ci ...

With Americans reeling from corruption - in the financial industry, in organized religion, and in our political culture - it's time to answer the question: How do we clean house? Through moral courage.

Robert F. Kennedy defined "moral courage" as the willingness to speak truth to power within your circle for the sake of a greater good. Or, as Prof. Manji puts it, "speak up when everyone else wants to shut you up." No wonder Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes calls her "the master of moral courage."

Whether addressing corporate managers about workplace diversity, congregations about spiritual integrity, or students and teachers about a future of real opportunity, Irshad Manji gives game-changing guidance that individuals can take away and apply to their lives.

Now more than ever, America needs our voices. Irshad Manji is using hers to issue your wake-up call.

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Books by Irshad Manji
Press & Media

Irshad Manji is the founder and director of the Moral Courage Project at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University, a course offering that aims to teach young leaders "to make values-driven decisions for the sake of their integrity -- professional and personal.

Manji is a well-known critic of traditional mainstream Islam and was described by The New York Times as "Osama bin Laden's worst nightmare".

Manji's most recent book, Allah, Liberty and Love was released in June 2011 in the US, Canada and other countries. The book shows how to reconcile faith and freedom in a world seething with repressive dogmas. Manji’s key teaching is "moral courage," the willingness to speak up when everyone else wants to shut you up. Her book is the ultimate guide to becoming a gutsy global citizen. Manji's previous book, The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith has been published in more than 30 languages, including Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Malay, and Indonesian. In-between her books, she created the Emmy-nominated PBS documentary, Faith Without Fear.

As a journalist, Manji's articles have appeared in many publications, and she has addressed audiences ranging from Amnesty International to the United Nations Press Corps to the Deomcratic Muslims in Denmark to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. She has appeared on television networks around the world, including Al Jazeera, the CBC, BBC, MSNBC, C-SPAN, CNN, PBS, the Fox News Channel, CBS, and HBO.

In both the business and nonprofit arenas, Irshad's work has earned high recognition. The World Economic Forum named her as a Young Global Leader. The New York Society for Ethical Culture has given her its rare Ethical Humanist Award, and Oprah Winfrey bestowed on Irshad the first annual Chutzpah Award for "audacity, never, boldness and conviction."

Manji is also founder and president of Project Ijtihad, a charitable organization that has innovated a 24/7 service to advise people, especially young Muslims, who are struggling with faith. Known as the "Guidance Team", their advice is free of charge and available in multiple languages.