Elan Carr

  • Former U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism
  • Visiting Fellow, Heritage Foundation
  • Former Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles County
  • Decorated Officer, U.S. Army Reserve; Iraq War Veteran

Experienced senior U.S. diplomat, former criminal prosecutor, and decorated military officer Elan Carr is an influential voice on today’s key policy issues affecting the U.S. and the world. While serving as the U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, his office negotiated groundbreaking agreements with foreign governments and significantly broadened the global definition of antisemitism, receiving the rank of Ambassador for the wide-reaching impacts of his work. Prior to his appointment, Carr served as a Deputy District Attorney for LA County for over a decade, following two decades of decorated military service. While deployed in Iraq, he led a joint anti-terrorism team and helped establish an independent Iraqi judiciary system. Leveraging his significant expertise, Carr provides vital analysis on foreign policy with a focus on the U.S.-Israel alliance, an insider perspective on the Abraham Accords and the future of peace in the Middle East, and the effects of hyper-partisanship and how we can find unity.

Mr. Carr serves as a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a teaching fellow at the University of Southern California, and a member of several boards of directors. He served as the 71st international president of Alpha Epsilon Pi, a voting member of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and a member of the National Council of AIPAC. He is the son of Jewish refugees from Iraq, and while he was deployed on military service there he met with the remaining Jewish community, worked with them to preserve communal property, and regularly led Jewish services in the former presidential palace of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad. A sought-after keynote speaker, Mr. Carr shares impactful takeaways from his decades of service and vision for how we can create a more peaceful world.


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Keynote - The Rise in Antisemitism is a Global Problem | FDIF [21:39] - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Elan Carr
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Ukraine in the West: A Remarkable Transformation

An inside view on Ukraine from Elan Carr, a senior diplomat who worked with Kyiv and who served as a soldier with Ukrainian troops.  ...

An inside view on Ukraine from Elan Carr, a senior diplomat who worked with Kyiv and who served as a soldier with Ukrainian troops. 

America's War on Anti-Semitism

Perspectives from America's former "anti-Semitism czar" Elan Carr on why Jew-hatred is rising across the world, how it poses a danger not only to Jews but to America and Western values, and what the United States is doing and should do about it. ...

Perspectives from America's former "anti-Semitism czar" Elan Carr on why Jew-hatred is rising across the world, how it poses a danger not only to Jews but to America and Western values, and what the United States is doing and should do about it.

Healing the Republic: Bringing Us Back From Hyperpartisanship

Our country is fraying from hyperpartisanship and identity-based politics, and our collective future depends upon our uniting under common goals. Americans agree on far more than on which we disagree, and it's time for us to bring our democracy back to health. ...

Our country is fraying from hyperpartisanship and identity-based politics, and our collective future depends upon our uniting under common goals. Americans agree on far more than on which we disagree, and it's time for us to bring our democracy back to health.

Israel and U.S. Foreign Policy

The U.S.-Israel alliance has been a central pillar of American foreign policy for decades. Elan Carr provides a senior diplomat's perspective on why Israel is important to America and to the world, and what the challenges are in maintaining a bipartisan U.S.-Israel relationship. ...

The U.S.-Israel alliance has been a central pillar of American foreign policy for decades. Elan Carr provides a senior diplomat's perspective on why Israel is important to America and to the world, and what the challenges are in maintaining a bipartisan U.S.-Israel relationship.

The Abraham Accords: The Beginning of a New Middle East

The peace accords between Israel and a number of Arab states mark shifting alliances in a region desperate for change. Elan Carr provides inside perspectives as a military officer who served in Iraq and as a senior diplomat in the administration that negotiated the Abraham Accords. ...

The peace accords between Israel and a number of Arab states mark shifting alliances in a region desperate for change. Elan Carr provides inside perspectives as a military officer who served in Iraq and as a senior diplomat in the administration that negotiated the Abraham Accords.

The Israel-Palestinian Conflict and the Future of the Region

Despite new peace agreements in the Middle East, the Israel-Palestinian conflict seems as intractable as ever. Elan Carr discusses the root causes of the conflict and possible paths forward. ...

Despite new peace agreements in the Middle East, the Israel-Palestinian conflict seems as intractable as ever. Elan Carr discusses the root causes of the conflict and possible paths forward.

Leadership: Persuasion, Management, and Vision

From experience as a military officer who led an anti-terrorism team in a combat zone, to a senior official at the State Department who built a team that charted new diplomatic pathways, Elan Carr shares insights into what leadership is, how best to build a winning team, and how to overcome institut ...

From experience as a military officer who led an anti-terrorism team in a combat zone, to a senior official at the State Department who built a team that charted new diplomatic pathways, Elan Carr shares insights into what leadership is, how best to build a winning team, and how to overcome institutional challenges with creative breakthroughs.

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Press & Media

With extensive experience as a senior U.S. diplomat, criminal prosecutor, military officer, and community leader, Elan Carr provides an influential voice on key public policy matters affecting America and the world today. He serves as a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a teaching fellow at the University of Southern California, and a member of several for-profit and non-profit boards of directors.

In 2019, Mr. Carr was appointed United States Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. As the senior diplomatic representative of the United States and the chief advisor to the Secretary of State on the subject of anti-Semitism, he directed U.S. policy and programs aimed at combating it. While in office, he negotiated groundbreaking agreements with foreign governments; convened the first-ever U.S. Government-sponsored conference on combating online hate; drove new policies on anti-Zionism, anti-Israel discrimination, and campus anti-Semitism; broadened the global consensus on the definition of anti-Semitism; focused the attention of foreign and domestic law enforcement leaders on the importance of hate crimes prosecutions; launched philo-Semitism initiatives in multiple countries; and conducted an aggressive, global public diplomacy campaign by delivering more than 180 speeches throughout the world and conducting numerous press interviews. During his tenure, his office was voted by Congress to be given the rank of Ambassador.

Prior to his federal appointment, Mr. Carr prosecuted violent felony crimes for more than a decade as a Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County. He prosecuted murders, attempted murders, and cases involving Southern California’s most notorious criminal street gangs. While assigned to a special victim unit, he focused on sexual assault, domestic violence, and child molestation crimes. A number of his cases garnered media attention. He was also one of LA County’s few specially-designated animal cruelty prosecutors.

Mr. Carr is an officer in the United States Army Reserve and received multiple awards for his two decades of military service. In 2003-04, he spent nearly a year on military deployment in Iraq, where he helped to lead a joint anti-terrorism team in life-saving missions and prosecuted terrorists. He also helped to establish an independent Iraqi judiciary and trained Iraqi judges on constitutional law and criminal defense.

As the son of Jewish refugees from Iraq, Mr. Carr speaks Hebrew and the Iraqi dialect of Arabic. While in Iraq, he met with remnants of its Jewish community and worked with them to preserve communal property. He regularly led Jewish services in the former presidential palace of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad.

In 2014, Mr. Carr was the Republican nominee for Congress in California’s 33rd Congressional District. He finished first out of 18 candidates in a multi-party, top-two primary, and in the general election, he out-performed GOP registration in his district by 18 points. He received the National Republican Congressional Committee’s “Young Gun” status—its highest rating—and was endorsed by the House leadership, the Los Angeles County Police Chiefs, and the previous two Republican nominees for President of the United States.

Mr. Carr served as the 71st international president of Alpha Epsilon Pi, a voting member of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and a member of the National Council of AIPAC.

Mr. Carr is married to Dr. Dahlia T. Carr, a rheumatologist in private practice, and they have three children, Hannah, Rachelle, and Samuel.