Deval Patrick

  • Former Governor of Massachusetts (2007-2015)
  • Political Contributor, CBS News
  • Senior Advisor of the Chicago Police Accountability Task Force
  • Professor, Senior Lecturer, and Co-Director of the Center for Public Leadership - Harvard Kennedy School

Deval Patrick served two terms as the 71st governor of Massachusetts. An accomplished executive, passionate leader and gifted orator, Deval Patrick will capture—and hold—the attention of any audience.  Guided by the advice of his grandmother to “hope for the best and work for it,” he entered office in 2007, a first-time candidate propelled by an unprecedented grassroots campaign and lead the Commonwealth to top national rankings in education, health care, energy efficiency, economic competitiveness and more. Through a challenging economic environment, the Governor maintained a disciplined growth strategy of investment in education, innovation and infrastructure.

The Governor was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States where his platform included opportunity and economic growth, reforming our healthcare and criminal justice system, an accessible and functioning democracy, and collaborative global leadership for the 21st century.

His next step in public life is TogetherFUND, a political action committee to support progressive politics, candidates for the United States Senate and House in so-called "swing" states and districts, and grassroots groups working to drive turnout and engagement among disenfranchised and marginalized voters. The Governor will join the Harvard Kennedy School as a Professor of Public Leadership, the Roy E. Larsen Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Management, and Co-Director of the Center for Public Leadership.


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Past Hosts Include:
  • Education First
Rave Reviews About Deval Patrick
He was fantastic on stage, as always.

News Commentary - Biden, Trump and the next generation, Trump voters on the FBI search, 2020 and the midterms | Face the Nation [22:34] - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Deval Patrick
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Innovation Economy: Achieving Economic Success in the 21st Century

In today’s turbulent modern world, how do we overcome obstacles on the road to economic success? In this powerful speech, DEVAL PATRICK offers his strategy for growth, focusing on the value of education, innovation and infrastructure. As governor of Massachusetts, Patrick emphasized the importance o ...

In today’s turbulent modern world, how do we overcome obstacles on the road to economic success? In this powerful speech, DEVAL PATRICK offers his strategy for growth, focusing on the value of education, innovation and infrastructure. As governor of Massachusetts, Patrick emphasized the importance of investment, particularly impact investing, in a variety of sectors—from biotechnology to public transportation—culminating in the state's highest employment rate in 25 years, as well as a rate of job growth that significantly surpassed the national average. Fresh off his two-term tenure, Governor Patrick is ready to shares his insights with business audiences across the country.

Leadership Lessons for a Better World

DEVAL PATRICK has always been a leader with a long-term vision and a commitment to generational responsibility. Whether as a corporate executive for Texaco and Coca-Cola or as governor of Massachusetts, Patrick’s willingness to make the responsible choice over the easy choice sets him apart, and oft ...

DEVAL PATRICK has always been a leader with a long-term vision and a commitment to generational responsibility. Whether as a corporate executive for Texaco and Coca-Cola or as governor of Massachusetts, Patrick’s willingness to make the responsible choice over the easy choice sets him apart, and often led to even greater success. Driven by his belief in values-based leadership, Patrick’s passionate speech inspires leaders to make the tough choices for a better tomorrow.

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Deval Patrick is a political contributor at CBS News 

Former Massachusetts Governor DEVAL PATRICK was named a political contributor at CBS News, and already appeared on CBS This Morning to provide analysis events in Washington. As CBS said in it's announcement: "In office, [Patrick] made education, innovation and infrastructure the centerpiece of his recovery strategy after the Great Recession, implementing significant reforms, driving record-breaking growth and opportunity, and achieving nation-leading results..." Formerly the Managing Director of Double Impact Investing at Bain Capital, former Senior Executive and General Counsel at two Fortune 500 Companies, and former United States Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division under President Bill Clinton, Patrick has extensive private and public sector experience. Having spoken everywhere from the Democratic National Convention to Harvard University, Patrick provides shrewd, sharp insights on today's political climate, sustainability, and education. At engagements, he receives rave reviews such as: "He was fantastic on stage, as always." (Education First)

Deval Patrick offers insights on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing 

Former Governor of Massachusetts and sustainability champion DEVAL PATRICK offers illuminating insights on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing, and how to measure the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment  in order to best assess future financial performance, return and risk. The former Managing Director of Double Impact business at Bain Capital, which does impact investing in companies by scaling their social and environmental impact, Patrick made headlines for his advocacy on how and why social and economic sustainability is essential to companies and business' long-term value. Sought-out to speak everywhere from General Mills to the University of Chicago, Patrick offers concrete and valuable strategies for growth, focusing on the value of innovation and long-term impact. Engaging and informative, he earns rave reviews such as: “He was fantastic on stage, as always” (Education First).

Books by Deval Patrick
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Ideas for the Meeting Planner

Originally from the South Side of Chicago, Deval Patrick came to Massachusetts at the age of 14, when he was awarded a scholarship to Milton Academy through the Boston-based organization A Better Chance.

After Harvard College and Harvard Law School, he clerked for a federal appellate judge and then launched a career as an attorney and business executive, becoming a staff attorney at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, a partner at two Boston law firms and a senior executive at two Fortune 50 companies, Texaco and Coca-Cola.

In 1994, President Clinton appointed Patrick to the nation's top civil rights post, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. In 2006, in his first bid for public office, he became the first African-American governor of Massachusetts.

During his eight year tenure, Patrick helped revive a battered economy through the expansion of affordable health care to more than 98 percent of state residents, launched initiatives stimulating clean energy and biotechnology, won a national Race to the Top educational grant, steered the state to a 25-year high in employment, and made unprecedented investments in Massachusetts public schools. By the end of Governor Patrick's term, the state ranked first in the nation in student achievement, energy efficiency, veterans services, and entrepreneurship.

The Governor was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States where his platform included opportunity and economic growth, reforming our healthcare and criminal justice system, an accessible and functioning democracy, and collaborative global leadership for the 21st century.

His next step in public life is TogetherFUND, a political action committee to support progressive politics, including Joe Biden's campaign for President, candidates for the United States Senate and House in so-called "swing" states and districts, and grassroots groups working to drive turnout and engagement among disenfranchised and marginalized voters. He also chairs the COVID Collaborative, a group led by experts in public health, education, and the economy to get through the pandemic. 

Patrick is a Rockefeller Fellow, a Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute, on the Board of Directors for the national nonprofit Social Finance, and the author of two books, A Reason to Believe: Lessons from an Improbable Life and Faith in the Dream: A Call to the Nation to Reclaim American Values.